Solid Surface Countertops

Solid surface, otherwise known as artificial stone, granite or marble, is a mixture of natural minerals and acrylic reinforced with special technology. This material is increasingly valued and used in a variety of interior areas due to its extremely high quality and wide range of applications. Nowadays, solid surface countertops have become an integral part of modern homes.

Excellent manufacturing technology and durability properties gave the solid surfaces the name of the interior material of the future. It is believed that in the very near future, furniture, countertops or interior details made of solid surface mass will be in every home, because no alternative to this synthetic material, which has the properties of natural stone but is superior to natural stone, has been invented so far. Solid surface is produced all over the world, but the most experienced in this field are US and South Korean manufacturers.

The most famous and trusted brands are CorianLG Hi-MacsSamsung Staron.

Solid Surface Countertops

Kodėl rinktis dirbtinio akmens stalviršį?

Dirbtinis akmuo lyginamas su natūraliu akmeniu, tačiau turi pranašumų, nes sukuriamas šilkinis, glotnus paviršius, kurį maloniau liesti. Dirbtinio akmens stalviršiai perima aplinkos temperatūrą, todėl atrodo šilti, nesukelia čaižių garsų. Lyginant su natūralaus akmens stalviršiais, dirbtinio akmens paviršiai atrodo lengvesni, estetiškesni ir modernesni, taip pat yra daug praktiškiau eksploatuojami.
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